Victorious Fanon Wiki

This is basically a story of stuff that happens at Hollywood Arts, it shows how all the characters but Tori got in, and other stuff that happens after that. They're in order of when they happened.


Trina had enjoyed performing all her life. She had tried to get into performing arts schools all over California, she didn't get into to any of them. Trina's sister teased her about this. A lot.On the day Tori turned 13 Trina watched as Tori, and her friends Kay, Mira, and Ashley splashed each other in the Jacuzzi.

"Hey guys guess what?" Tori said unaware Trina was watching.

"What?" Mira said.

"My sister Trina has auditioned to 11 performing arts schools and they all rejected her with bad reviews"Kay, Ashley, Mira, and Tori all laughed, before going back to talking about some big test that was coming up in April.

That was to much for Trina. She went on the internet and found an ad.


Audition's for soon to be Freshman's on June 4Th

Hosted by Ian Van Cleef

That was just what Trina needed.

June 4Th Trina had put together her outfit, and practiced her song, done everything. She got in the car with Tori, she began to sing, as she sang she saw Tori staring at her seat, Jealous of me, it's to much. Trina thought. The car pulled to a stop,

Trina walked out of the car singing "Freak the freak out, whoa-oh-oh-oh!"

She looked at Hollywood arts and excitedly ran inside. She was stopped by a guy holding hand lotion, and putting on large amounts.

"Who are you?"

"Trina Vega,"

"Oh hi Trina. I'm Lane, school guidance counselor. Would you like some lotion?"

"Sure!" Trina said taking the lotion out of Lane's hand and putting some one. She then saw a long line.

"I should've brought my pear pod" Trina said.

An hour later Trina walked into a small black box theatre, where a creepy looking boy was sitting, with another creepy boy.

"You... Trina?" The older looking boy said.

"Uhh, yeah,"

"get, on, st-stage. man you are hot!"

Trina walked on stage, creeped out by the boy who she guessed was Ian Van Cleef.

"This is my brother, Sinjin" Said Ian.

Trina did her audition after that. Ian and Sinjin seemed to enjoy it, but at the end of her audition she was so creeped out by the 2 boys she ran out of there.

Later Trina got a letter from the school. It said-

Dear Mrs. Katrina Eliza Vega,

We are glad to inform you that you now attend Hollywood Arts Upper School. As decided by Ian, and Sinjin Van Cleef. You may start setting up your slap page at the

Thank you

Principal Eikner.

Trina happily ran inside and shoved her letter in Tori's face.

Robbie, and Rex[]